About Us

About Griffith Womens Health .

Griffith Womens Health strives to  offer the finest in obstetric and gynecologic care. We offer preventative “wellness” healthcare for adolescents and adults while focusing on our patient’s physical and emotional well being.Experienced Obstetricians and Gynaecologists provide care at Griffith womens Health.


Our services are affiliated with Griffith Base,St Vincent Private Community Hospital Griffith  hospital for both Public and private patients.

Public & Private Maternity services are provided at Griffith Base hospital.

Gynaecologic and Obstetric clinics are conducted on week days at Griffith  Base Hospital , St Vincents Private Hospital Griffith & Griffith Medical Centre.

Urgent / Emergency After Hours Information :please call in at Emergency department  at Griffith Base Hospital. If you have Private Health care you have an option of requesting  your preferred Gynaecologist  on admission.

Ultrasound Services 

Gynaecological Ultrasound services provided on Every Thursday at St Vincents Hospital Griffith

Our Specialists;

Our board Certified Specialists are;


1.Prof Nava Navaneethan

   MBBS(Jaf),MS(Col),FRCOG(UK),FRANZCOG(AU),DOWH(Ire)MSc (minimally invasive surgery Adelaide) Masters in Fetal Medicine (Barcelona)